# Redirect to Kanuu

# Using the RedirectToKanuu controller

The easiest way to redirect your users to Kanuu using the Laravel package is to add the following to your routes/web file.

use Kanuu\Laravel\Facades\Kanuu;

// ...


This helper method is syntactic sugar for the following route definition.

Route::get('kannu/{identifier}', '\Kanuu\Laravel\RedirectToKanuu');

You can override the URL by providing your custom URL as the first argument. You just need to make sure your URL contain the {identifier} parameter. For example:


Since Kanuu::redirectRoute() returns an instance of Illuminate\Routing\Route, you can chain any route method you want to configure it.


You can now use that route in your templates to securely redirect to Kanuu.

<a href="{{ route('kanuu.redirect', $user) }}" class="...">
    Manage your subscription

And that's it! ✨

On the next and final step, let's see how we can use the Billable trait to automatically use and cache Kanuu's Subscription API.

If you'd rather use Paddle's webhooks instead, this Laravel package can help you with that too. Simply check the "Webhook helpers" page of this guide.

# Manually creating redirect URLs

Alternatively, you can create your own controller and use Kanuu's facade to generate a new secure redirect URL from a given identifier.


This will return a PHP array containing the nonce and a redirect url generated from that nonce (See API reference).

The $identifier argument can be one of the following:

  • A string — In this case, we'll use that identifier as provided.
  • An Eloquent model — In this case, we'll use the getKey() method to get the identifier from the model.
  • Any object — In this case, we'll try to use the getKanuuIdentifier() method to get the identifier from the object.