# Installation

If you want to get started with Kanuu and Paddle in your Laravel application, we've got you covered. We too use Laravel as our main backend framework and therefore we created a Laravel package for Kanuu.

On top of providing a helpful controller to redirect your users to Kanuu, it comes with additional helpers to help you get started with the Subscription API. It can also help you set up Paddle's webhooks and provide some optional Subscription boilerplate.

Before installing the package, make sure you have followed these steps to set up Paddle and Kanuu:

To install Kanuu's Laravel package, you first need to download it using composer:

composer require kanuu-io/kanuu-laravel

Then, you'll need to add you Kanuu API key to your .env file like so:


That's it! ✨

Let's now see how we can use the package to securely redirect your customers to Kanuu in the next step.